At Inventa we work towards a better future.
inspired by evolution
Chemistry in harmony with nature
Clean Tech
Our commitment towards green chemistry starts with our feedstock and the plant design and ranges all the way through to the final product. At Inventa we develop and implement technologies and processes that minimize emissions and the required inputs while maximizing output.
High Masstransfer
At Inventa we deploy high mass transfer reactors to save energy and improve selectivity of processes. Our proprietary Inventa JetReactor has been deployed in many successful industrial project.
Inventa is specialised to take a novel idea from bench to industrial scale. We deploy scalable technologies from the early stage of process development to assure an effective and economic scale-up to an industrial plant with commercial output.
Science based economic success
Inventa understands that that economics of a process in development is key to its overall success. We base our development strategy on the vision to achieve on the economic invention.
inventa JetReactor technology

The Inventa JetReactor Technology has a wide range of applications in the Chemical, Oleochemical, Pharmaceutical and Food industry.
Inventa JetReactors are applied in various gas/liquid and liquid/liquid reactions:
- Hydrogenations
- Alkylations
- Oxidations
- Amination
- Amidation
- Carbonylation
- Phosgenation
Our team of experts is ready to translate your new or existing chemistry into a viable industrial process with solid performance guarantees. Our aim is your market success!
Take a Tourinventa JetMixers

Inventa JetMixers are successfully used in many applications. The unique design is used in reactors to improve mass transfer, tanks or blending vessels as mixing devices, in pipes as in-line mixers or as high efficiency gas-liquid contactors in large basins in waste water treatment facilities or fish farms.
spray cooling technology

The Inventa Spray Cooler Technology offers an innovative approach to industrial solidification and powdering processes. The high performance spray cooler is designed to provide flexibility regarding particle size and shape without the requirement of rotating atomizers. The Inventa design results in efficient product throughput and high product quality.
The Inventa Spray Cooler Technology is available for industrial scale as well as Pilot Plant Scale.
The Spray Cooler Design is a combination of co- and countercurrent air flow and ensures optimized residence time for the liquid droplet to transfer their heat to the cold air stream and to avoid semi-solidified particles from impacting and sticking to the chamber wall.
micro-reactor technology

Chemical and biochemical reactor technology is going through a major revolution.
Microreactors will play a major role in modern industrial processing. Today’s microreactor technology is no longer in its infancy and the success of this emerging technology is beyond doubt.
Inventa promotes and supports these developments through active design and implementation studies in various fields. Sulphonation, catalytic hydrogenation and oxidation processes are currently investigated in its proprietary Micro JetReactor.
Our research & development program has led to a breakthrough and has the potential to completely change today’s processing methodologies in the specialty chemical, pharmaceutical and life-science industry.
from fermentation to complex isolation and purification systems

Circular Industries has developed a fully automated and continuous production process that ensures an efficient, consistent as well as safe manufacturing cycle.
The manufacturing cycle starts with the fermentation of waste material into intermediary substances. From there the substances automatically enter an isolation and purification step, followed directly by the final formulation and packaging step. The whole cycle is continuously overseen by adequate sensors, systems and our experts to ensure consistency, quality and safety of the end product.
artificial intelligence operated filtration systems
Filtration systems…..
Take a Toureffective
Circular Industries is taking action against global warming. Our scientists believe in effective and lasting innovation. The minds of an interdisciplinary team delivered solutions which will disrupt and serve as a game changer in the field of natural waste stream utilisation. Our technology is effective in addressing environmental challenges and delivering commercially viable options in line with modern and futuristic trends.
Innovation and the use of technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, Internet of Things (IoT) , big data analytics and mobility are changing processes and business models across all industry verticals and the chemicals and bio-tech industries are no exceptions. Circular Industries applies innovation in the bio-technology complexes from the early stage of raw material sourcing to to the final stage of end-product distribution.
Significant time and resources went into the development of biotechnology inventions. Circular Industries is taking the next step in the commercialisation of smart solutions. Starting with the collection of waste products from the food industry to the impact of a major CO2 footprint reduction, the team is dedicated to apply smart solutions to its innovative business.